The path to a zero carbon future has become clearer than ever.
The ambitious plan was launched after cabinet today by the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications and Green Party leader, Eamon Ryan, along with the Taoiseach and Tánaiste.
The Plan outlines a series of measures that must be followed in each sector of the economy in order for Ireland to meet its binding target of cutting emissions by 51% by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050.
And for the first time, this plan is on a statutory footing, which means that ministers now have legal responsibility for ensuring their sectors meet their emissions reduction targets.
As well as protecting us from the growing impact of climate change, the measures will help grow jobs, future-proof our businesses and improve our quality of life.
The task of cutting our emissions in half by the end of the decade is not easy, and can often seem overwhelming. However, the Plan outlines a series of pragmatic measures that will set us on course to meet our targets.
Among the measures outlined in the 2023 Climate Action Plan are:
Solar PVs on all new residential buildings and public buildings including all schools by 2025.
Roll out of bus services across rural Ireland, so that 70% of people in rural Ireland will have a bus service at least 3 times a day.
120,000 homes retrofitted by 2025, jumping to 500,000 by 2030.
9GW of onshore wind, 8 GW of solar and at least 7 GW of off-shore wind by 2030.
In agriculture, we are continuing to build on momentum gained in areas such as fertiliser reduction, and organic farming. Forestry too has a major role to play, and the new €1.3bn forestry programme will financially support farmers to plant trees.
By taking action now, we can mitigate the impact of climate change, while also delivering a better quality of life for people living here.
Many people across the midlands have experienced warmer, cleaner homes because of retrofitting, and many midlands commuters have availed of reduced public transport fees. With increasing numbers of farmers going organic, and availing of government supports to do so. This is Climate Action in action.
This Government is determined to support people in every way possible so that each of us can play a role in protecting us from the growing impact of climate change, building a better future for the midlands and a better country for future generations.
To read more please see gov.ie - Ministers welcome publication of Climate Action Plan 2023 (www.gov.ie)