Today, my Green Party Colleague, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’ Gorman TD, announced that €250,000 will be available in grants for Parent and Toddler Groups, as part of the Summer of Play initiative.
This funding will be available to all Parent & Toddler Groups that are organised on a not-for-profit basis and who actively involve the participation of parents in the local community.
Grants will range from €100 to €1250.
Existing Parent and Toddler Groups can apply for a maximum of €800 while new start up groups may apply for maximum grant of up to €1250.
The funding can be used for expenses including play equipment, activities for the children and training for parents.
Parents or non-for-profit community groups who wish to apply for funding for a new or existing Parent and Toddler group should contact their local CCC for details on the programme and the application process. Contact details and links to websites of all local City/County Childcare Committees can be found on www.myccc.ie
Funding will be available for:
Toys, equipment and books for indoor and outdoor activities
Storage for equipment
Training for parents, e.g. paediatric first aid, committee skills, parenting courses
Children’s activities, e.g. arts and crafts, music
Limited funding will be available towards insurance, rent or minor refurbishment, up to a maximum of 30% of total funding for existing services.
Limited funding will be available towards insurance or rent, up to a maximum of 70% of total funding for new services.
More information can be found here.