Today, I announced the commencement of the 2022 balancing payments for the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS), two months ahead of schedule. The payment will be for the final 15% of the annual payment to the farmers who farmed organically in 2022 under the scheme.
I am delighted to announce the 2022 balancing payments have commenced this week for the participants of the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) and will continue to be processed in the coming weeks. Over €10 million has issued so far to farmers in the OFS for 2022. A key priority for my Department is ensuring farmers receive their payments each year on time.
As such, I am very pleased these balancing payments, which provide support farmers in their conversion and maintenance of organic farming, are commencing two months ahead of schedule.
Over the last two years, I am very encouraged by the strong uptake in the Organic Farming Scheme especially in the most recent tranche which saw 3,423 eligible applications received. Of these, over 2000 are new to the Organic Farming. This increase in land under organic production brings us closer to our target of 10% of organic land area by 2030 as set out in the Climate Action Plan. I plan to reopen the scheme later this year for new entrants and would encourage all farmers to seriously consider joining.
Further information;
This round of payments is the balancing payment amounting to 15% of the full annual payment due under the OFS; the 85% advance payment issued in November 2022 to the OFS participants in accordance with EU rules.
At present, there are 4,100 organic farmers participating in the Organic Farming Scheme. Over 2000 new entrants applied for the OFS scheme for 2023
Approx. 200,000 hectares currently under organic production.
The Organic Division in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine can be contacted on 0761 064415 or by email to