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  • Writer's picturePippa Hackett

Irish Horticulture Sector Report published

KPMG report on “Opportunities for the Irish Horticulture Sector” launched by Minister with responsibility for Horticulture, Pippa Hackett

Press Release 13 July 2022

Minister of State with responsibility for Horticulture, Pippa Hackett and Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue T.D today welcomed the publication of KPMG’s report on Opportunities for the Irish horticulture sector, which Minister Hackett commissioned late last year.

The report, launched today by Minister Hackett at a webinar attended by stakeholders in the sector, provides a comprehensive overview of the state of play in the horticulture industry in Ireland.

Minister Hackett stated: “I commissioned this report to identify the challenges and the opportunities for the Horticulture sector. It provides significant data and analysis which will inform a strategy for change to enable each sector within this industry to fulfil its true potential. Horticulture is a vital part of the Irish economy and we know consumers want Irish produce.”
Minister McConalogue said: “The report underlines the importance of the viability of Ireland’s fourth largest agriculture sector” and he agreed with the report finding that, “there is no single solution that can ensure the successful development of the Irish horticulture sector. The most direct way to achieve the sector’s ambition will come from giving existing growers and businesses the confidence to expand and diversify profitable enterprises.”

While each sub-sector presents its own challenges and opportunities, there are key cross-cutting factors that are applicable to the overall sector. The report highlights the actions that can help to address challenges faced as well as developing opportunities for the sector.

In concluding remarks, Minister Hackett thanked KPMG and the Horticulture Industry Forum sub-committee for their work in the preparation of the report. Minister Hackett also emphasised that, “there is more work to be done – and that the development of an overarching Strategy for the sector driven by sustainability and innovation, to be published early next year, will ensure the growth and prosperity of this important sector.”

The report is available to download from


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