I am delighted news that sports clubs in Offaly have benefited from over €450,000 in funding for equipment in the latest round of grants from the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP)
I want to pay tribute to the diligent and sterling work done by countless volunteers around the county in making this possible.
18 clubs across the length and breadth of the county will receive payments ranging from €990 to the top award of €62,500 to Tullamore Canoe Club
This is just reward for the countless hours that are put in by club volunteers to help these clubs thrive.
Offaly’s famous sporting tradition and culture is rightly treasured by everyone here in the county, and it’s also reflected in the popularity and range of our sporting clubs.
16 different sporting disciplines are represented in the list of clubs that will benefit from this funding, while active players of all ages, genders and abilities are catered for in the clubs involved.
I want to congratulate all the beneficiaries of today’s announcement, and whish them continued success in their endeavours, on and off the field.
These clubs are successful due to the commitment of all those volunteers that put in the time in administration roles, maintenance, coaching and everything else that’s involved, and I want to thank these people for what they do, and the vital role they play in enriching the lives of all their club members and the people of Offaly generally.
In total, over €26 million in equipment grants were announced by Catherine Martin T.D., Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, and Thomas Byrne T.D., Minister of State for Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht.
The allocations announced today under the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme are in response to equipment-only applications which sporting organisations submitted. Over 900 sports groups were successful in their applications for various types of equipment, while further allocations under the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme, including those for capital works, and capital works tied with an equipment component, will be announced later.
The clubs that received funding in Offaly are as follows:
Birr RFC: Upgrade of rugby specific training equipment - €2,334
Durrow GAA: Maintenance equipment and gym equipment - €45,736
Erry Pitch’n’Putt Club: Upgrading of old machinery - €40,000
Gracefield GAA: New Scoreboard - €10,786
Irish Parachute Club: Replace end of life sport parachute equipment - €45,000
Killeigh Schoolboys/girls Soccer Club: Maintenance equipment - €27,564
Lynx Cycling Club: Bike boxes - €2,090
Midland United Powerchair FC: Power football chairs and trailer - €44,632
Naomh Ciaran LGFA: Sports Equipment - €4,200
Offaly Athletics: Athletic and storage equipment - €26,313
Portarlington Golf Club: Tees Mower - €40,000
Rhode LGFA: Non-personal training equipment - €990
Shinrone Camogie Club: Robotic Lawnmower: €30,403
Tullamore Basketball Club: Non-personal equipment for training and games - €9,000
Tullamore Canoe Club: Canoe Polo Equipment - €62,500
Tullamore Hockey Club: Equipment - €1,560
Tullamore Sports Link: Pitch Mower - €35,927
Tullamore Harriers Athletic Club: Competition Standard Hurdles - €24,281