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Writer's picture: Pippa HackettPippa Hackett

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

On Friday last, I launched the €4.15m ReSHAPE project (Regional Skills Horizon and Pathways to Employment) in Technological Universiry of the Shannon, Athlone.

Pictured with Professor Martin Hayes (UL), Professor Vincent Cunnane, President, TUS, Paul Skinnader, Director of Social Inclusion and Employment Operations, Pobal and Professor Hugh McGlynn, Vice President Research and Innovation, MTU

Supported by the EU Just Transition Fund, ReSHAPE aims to upskill 3,900 learners living or working in the Midlands over the next two years to meet the skills needs of Midlands based industries and businesses.

Working in collaboration with Munster Technological University and University of Limerick, courses will be offered in areas such as artificial intelligence & cybersecurity and carbon footprint analysis, to help the Midlands community thrive in the move to a clean green economy.

I'm delighted to share my speech, below;

It is a privilege to be speaking to you today at the early stages of this very exciting and innovative project, ReSHAPE: Regional Skills Horizon and Pathways to Employment, funded through the EU Just Transition Progamme.


It is very appropriate that we are in the Athlone campus of TUS to launch a project with a focus on the empowerment of the people of the Midlands region through education and collaboration.


This is not my first time addressing an event on this campus and I know, first-hand, that Professor Cunnane and his colleagues walk that walk of empowering young people from the Midlands and indeed further afield through education and collaboration every day. Thank you, Vincent, for your leadership and to the wider TUS community for your contribution to the Midlands region.


And to your project partners, Munster Technological University and the University of Limerick, thank you for bringing your expertise to bear in the Midlands, you are very welcome.


I took part in the launch of the EU Just Transition Fund at Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre in County Longford – not too far from here, in April of 2023.


I see some / many of the same faces from that launch here today. I think we will all be aware that the excitement and sense of potential of that day has received a few knockbacks in the intervening year or so.


I have been giving that a lot of thought because I am a Just Transition believer - I believe in the potential of a Just Transition to deliver for people, because I believe that the Green economy has huge potential to deliver not only jobs but ultimately a better quality of life.


Living, as I do, in a just transition territory, I sense that many people on the ground in my community feel that the just transition is a transition away from things that are familiar, things they know and have a fondness for, that have been part and parcel of their lives and generations before them.


And with that comes a really significant sense of loss - and it is important to acknowledge and respect that.


Unfortunately, I believe and regret, that there are also a small number who want the transition to fail for self-serving reasons.


And there is no doubt that it takes time, sometimes at lot longer than we’d like, for the benefit of investment to be felt on the ground. 


Mary Robinson, who you are all familiar with, spoke in 2022 of first coming across the concept of the Just Transformation.  Mrs Robinson said at the time:


“I like this expression, because holistic, comprehensive, just transitions will drive societal transformation that will benefit the wellbeing of all people. A truly just transition will not be just a transition – it should tackle the inequalities and injustices caused by and exacerbated by the climate crisis and lead us to a better future.”


So, as we transition to a low carbon society, it is much more than just the environmental impacts of our proposed actions that matter. What we must achieve is societal transformation.


We are seeing green shoots, no doubt about that – there are new jobs in new and exciting sectors, we are on the path to net zero and there are plenty of really positive community developments I can point to.

  • This Government and the EU have allocated targeted funding.

  • There are agencies and enterprises working tirelessly for this region, many of whom are in this room.

  • There are volunteers giving of countless hours and expertise in their communities.

  • We know that nationally we are at near full employment.

  • There is innovation and investment in enterprise.

But the question arises; are we reaching the right people, as we committed to on that day in Longford and on many days since?


We cannot ignore that there are people in this region on notice that their jobs will not be there in a month, 3 months, a year. They are fearful that their next job will not be in their home locality or that it might have less favourable terms and conditions.


We can’t ignore those communities who feel shut out of conversations or that they are missing out on opportunities.


We also know that there are sectors with labour shortages and employers wondering if there is the relevant skill set to meet their need.


I admit to moments of personal exasperation. How can we join the dots?


And then I learn of projects like ReSHAPE and my faith is restored. I often say, possibly have said on this campus, if we want to go far, we must go together.


The width and breath of existing and proposed collaboration in this project is really exciting. It is exciting too that this is the first time a project like this has been rolled out at a regional level. I look forward to the day when other regions replicate the model because it has been so successful here.


In conversations leading up to today the phrase that sticks in my head is ‘this project joins the dots’.


I’d like to suggest that over the lifetime of the project you say everyday – what dots can we join today? Talk to those communities most impacted, as my fellow public representatives and I will do too: encourage communities to reach out to you. The success of ReSHAPE will be in its users.


I think if the blow of someone receiving news of a job loss - as grave a blow as that is and I don’t want for second to minimise that - but if that news can be softened by the knowledge that there is a platform that will support funded reskilling and finding a new job within easy striking distance of their home,


and if businesses can have confidence that their skills need can be met through the platform, then ultimately ReSHAPE will have proven to be a massive success.


It is hugely ambitious, hugely exciting and you have my, and this Government’s wholehearted support.


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