Sport Ireland has today opened the application process for €35 million of funding to support National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) and their affiliated Clubs with the rising energy costs associated with the provision of sport throughout the winter period.
We are all aware of the increases in energy bills and sports clubs are no different. I fully support this Government’s commitment to ‘keeping the lights on’ at our local sports facilities of Offaly and Laois through the Energy Support Scheme.

Whatever your energy need, from floodlights to heating in sports halls, this Government values the importance of supporting sporting participation and is working with Sporting Ireland and National Governing Bodies to distribute this vital funding support.
Funding guidelines have been shared with all Sport Ireland funded NGBs. The closing date for applications from these organisations will be Friday, November 25th 2022, so timing for clubs is tight. Clubs affiliated to Sport Ireland Funded NGBs should engage directly and immediately with their relevant NGB with any queries they may have in relation to the Scheme.
Depending on the level of submissions, the level of funding will be communicated to NGBs in December. NGBs will begin the disbursement of this funding to their relevant clubs, affiliate organisations from January 2023 onwards.
Sport Ireland will retain a portion of the overall funding to address any anomalies or unknown need that may arise in NGBs in the New Year. Community sports facilities such as swimming pools and community facilities not specifically affiliated to NGBs which do not qualify for TBESS or other support schemes may be eligible under the balance of this fund. Further enquiries in this regard should be made directly to ngb@sportireland.ie