Following a meeting with the HSE, I am happy to provide the following update in respect of Abbeyleix Community Nursing Unit.
I am advised that the designated centre is registered for 10 beds, comprising of 1 longstay bed and 9 shortstay beds. The long-term plan is to have 9 Respite beds when the transitional care unit opens. In the Interim it is planned to have 6 Respites, 3 Stepdown beds and 1 longstay. The designated centre has undergone a refurbishment and now has 10 single bedrooms, all ensuite. There is secure outdoor areas and the unit has a Dayroom, Dining Room, Visitors Room and Quiet room.
Abbeyleix Community Nursing Unit (CNU) provides much needed Respite Care to clients in the county of Laois. It is expected that Daycare will open as soon as the transfer into the newly refurbished unit takes place. I am advised that the plan is to re-open Daycare 5 days per week with staff from the unit redeploying to Daycare. This will consist of 1 staff nurse and 2 HCA’s.
It is also planned for Midlands Regional Hospital Portlaoise (MRHP) to take over Side B of the building - this will be identified as a Transitional Care Unit. This unit will be staffed and governed by MRHP. The main kitchen in Abbeyleix CNU will provide meals for residents in the designated centre, Transitional Care Unit, Daycare. It will continue to provide Meals on Wheels for the surrounding areas. It will also provide meals for the staff working in all areas within the unit.
The Chief Officer also confirmed that A Development Control Plan (DCP) for Abbeyleix campus will be revised in collaboration with key stakeholders in terms of the long-term plan for services required at the site ensuring economic viability into the future.