My name is Pippa Hackett
I joined the Green Party in 2016 because, as a mother of young children, I was becoming concerned about the future. The party’s ethos and principles aligned closely to my own. I live next to the founder of the Green Party in Ireland, Christopher Fettes, in County Offaly and our conversations over the years persuaded me to become politically active.
A little about me
I studied agriculture in college in the UK and went on to do a postgraduate diploma in UCD and a PhD at UL.
My husband, Mark, and I began farming in Geashill, County Offaly, close to the Laois border, in 2005. We have a mixed organic farm (suckler cows, sheep, hens and horses) and we have four children.
I was elected to Offaly County Council in 2019 and when I moved to Seanad Eireann, Mark replaced me as the Green Party Councillor.
Now that we’re both involved in politics, it’s a busy household.
I’ve always been a busy person, involved in community-based and schools projects in both Laois and Offaly. I’ve been a youth club secretary and leader, a local newsletter editor, a Mountlucas parkrun director, and a board member of local sports committees.
I would encourage more women to get involved in politics. When I sit at Cabinet, only six of the 20 members are women. We need more female voices at all levels of politics – in the Dail and Seanad, on County Councils, and in community groups and organisations.